There’s something magical about the start of winter. The sunlight gets more moody + twinkly. The mornings feel fresher. Our homes feel cosier + smell better + excite the senses with crackling fires and glowing candles and fluffy rugs underfoot.
If you’re struggling to say goodbye to the hot summer days as winter draws near, here’s some seriously good reasons why winter is the coolest season.
- It’s completely acceptable to enjoy a big goblet of red wine, every evening, while you warm up in front of the crackling fire. [Image]
- Less daylight means more time indoors with good books in cosy reading nooks. [Image]
- Cheeky hot chocolates after a day on the slopes (or after the kindy-school-creche run during a downpour, as the case may be!). [Image]
- The pitter patter of raindrops while you’re dry + snuggled up inside. [Image]
- Mid-winter Xmas parties around candlelit tables, with several helpings of slow-cooked delights + chocolatey pudding. [Image]
- Finally our favourite woollen layers + wraps + boots emerge from the back of the closet again.
- No more humidity to ruin your hair.
- The kids sleep better + easier (and so do you!)
- Minimalist furnishings make way for sumptuous fabrics, faux fur throws, candles of every variety + strong colours.
- Cinnamon, spice + all things nice.
See?! Best season ever. So dry those tears, flick on the jug, fluff up your cushions + start getting excited lovelies! x
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